What is FanDraft: Fantasy Football Draft Board?
FanDraft was originally created as a digital alternative to the outdated “Sticker/Paper” draft boards. It’s best used by exporting your display to a large screen TV or digital projector for your whole league to enjoy.
The digital nature of FanDraft allowed for a more engaging and realistic experience than the static cardboard/sticker draft boards could provide.
What's the difference between FanDraft and my league management (L.M.) providers draft room?
The goal of FanDraft has always been to make a fantasy football draft feel more like an actual NFL Draft. It serves the in-person draft, whereby having users export the display via a digital projector or output onto a large television for the entire league to enjoy. Although it also provides the capability of owners who can't attend your draft party to draft remotely.
The goal of FanDraft is…fun. It’s not about excel using power-users obsessed with player rankings, tools to speed up and make efficient selections, and bitch about nuanced rules while drafting at home from their phone… No, FanDraft’s purpose is fun.
What makes the FanDraft Experience better?
As mentioned above, the digital nature of FanDraft allowed for a more engaging and realistic experience than static cardboard/sticker draft boards could provide, and even more features than you'll find in your L.M. provider's draft room. So you ask, what are some of these features?
You can see the expanded list of unique features here:
But don't take our word for it. Try it out for yourself for absolutely no cost, and signup for a free trial account below: