Common questions and support documentation

Contact FanDraft Support

How to reach FanDraft

1 article

Auction Specific

7 articles

Browser & Hardware Questions

17 articles

Customer Support

4 articles

FanDraft Baseball

4 articles

How it Works

General questions about what FanDraft does and does not do

6 articles

How To: After the Draft

Performing actions at the conclusion of your Draft

2 articles

How To: During the Draft

Help with tools and customizing the draft experience.

18 articles

How To: PreDraft

2 articles

League Setup

Setting up your FanDraft league

28 articles

MyFantasyLeague Integration

Integrating with the MFL platform

6 articles

Player Videos

Info about the Player Videos tool

3 articles

Pricing FAQs

Questions related to the cost of FanDraft

7 articles

Remote Users

FAQs related to remote drafters

9 articles

Team Music / Walk-up Songs

3 articles

Voice Announcer

3 articles