Commissioner Mode: How Do I select Player on Behalf of Other Teams?

Commissioner Mode 

When "Commissioner Mode" is turned on, the commissioner has full control over the draft. This means, as a commissioner, you can make picks on behalf of other users, edit picks, pause/play the clock, and perform nearly any function on behalf of you, the league, and any owner. This allows the ability for the commissioner to run the full draft, or make necessary edits if and when the moment requires it. Click here to see a visual instruction page that shows all the available tools.

Note: While in "Commissioner Mode" remote owners still have the ability to make their own selections. The Commish simply maintains the ability to make picks on behalf of other teams if they so choose.

How to Turn On Commissioner Mode:

To turn Commissioner Mode ON,  adjust "Commish Mode"  to ON from the Gears icon in your Draft Room.

Regular Draft: Commissioner Controls Key

Auction Draft: Commissioner Controls Key

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