Importing Settings from

If you use as your league's league management service, you can expedite the process of setting up your league by importing your MFL settings into FanDraft.You will want to do this before setting up your league within FanDraft.

IMPORTANT: You NOT want to do this following the conclusion of your draft!

To import your league settings from MFL to FanDraft:

  1. In FanDraft, click the "MFL Integration" link from the header tabs.

  2. Enter in your MyFantasyLeague login credentials, as well as your league's "League ID".

    If you are unsure of your MFL League ID, you can find it in the URL of your league's homepage:

    Deluxe League: Do NOT turn on the "IS THIS A DELUXE LEAGUE" notch unless you league utilizes the MFL Deluxe league option. If you are unsure what that is, you likely aren't using it and should not turn this on.

  3. Once you have connected to MyFantasyLeague, you can then select the "Import League Settings" button to import your league settings.

    IMPORTANT! Do NOT select this option if you have completed your draft.

    Only do this if you are first setting up your league. If you are wanting to send your draft results to your MFL league, you will utilize the EXPORT Draft Results tool.

  4. Importing Traded Picks: If you would like to import your "Traded Picks" from MFL, you must first set your draft order from within FanDraft. Once you set and "Finalize Draft Order" in FanDraft, when you return to "MFL Integration" you will then see an option to "Import Traded Picks"

    Note: This option only appears once you have finalized your FanDraft draft order, AND is not available to Auction style drafts.

Additional Information:

Not all settings are capable of being brought in from MyFantasyLeague. Following the import of your MFL Settings into FanDraft, make sure to double-check all of your FanDraft league and team setup, as you may have to manually make some changes.

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