Imported Settings from MFL and Teams are associated with the incorrect owners

FanDraft automatically assigns the first team in your league as yourself (the Commissioner/Admin user).

When you import your league settings from MFL to FanDraft, you will still be assigned the first team imported even if it is incorrect. This can easily be resolved by utilizing the UNCLAIM tool in the "TEAMS" area:

Unclaim Team / Claim Team

FanDraft automatically assigns the Admin (person who purchased FanDraft) as an owner of a team in all drafts. However, if don't want to own a team in your draft, this tool can be used to remove yourself as an owner. When you perform this, you will continue to have Commissioner access to the draft, you simply won't have a team. You will see the yellow "Unclaim Team" link next to the "Is Commish" drop-down when you own a team.

If you "Unclaim" a team as an Admin (person who purchased FanDraft), you will then see a "Claim Team" link available on all teams, allowing you to switch to a team that you own.

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