MyFantasyLeague Integration - Auction Setup within MFL

If you are using FanDraft for an Auction style draft and plan to "Export Draft Results" from FanDraft to MFL, you will want to take note of critical settings within your league prior to doing this:

  1. Login to your league, and select "For Commissioner > Setup"

  2. Select "General League Setup" from list of commissioner options.
  3. CRITICAL: You must then set "Initial rosters are set by:" to "Auction"

  4. Click the "Save General League Setup" button, and then return to the Commissioner Setup area.
  5. After returning to the main Commissioner Setup area, find the "Auctions Setup" header, select "General Auction Setup"
  6. Set the Auction Type to "Email Auction" and then you MUST click "Save Auction Settings" (regardless of whether this was changed or not)

  7. Proceed to setup all the other settings for this auction, and then click the "Save Auction Setup" button.

Once you have gone through all of these steps, you can return to FanDraft and proceed to "Export Draft Results".


If after submitting the correct settings above you still receive an error, it could be that your teams are yet "Mapped" to MFL.

If you did NOT import your MFL Settings via FanDraft integration, you are required to MAP your teams via the "Re-map teams" tool:

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